June Blog 2024Great June to you, winter is here. My kind of weather. Pondering thoughts, What’s in a lesson of unexpected change? How do we react? Is there any logic to a reaction, as in, is any reaction that may occur coming from love or fear? There may not have been...
May Blog 2024Happy May to you. While there have been some intense life situations going on in and around us all, the importance of self-care is highlighted as we go through these times. And that’s the foundation of any of the blogs that I write as you would know if...
February Blog 2024And into February we roll. Much has been going on around the world there is no doubt about that. And as we move through these changing times it’s very important to have our own spiritual practice happening in the background as we go about our daily...
December Blog 2023Hi to you for December, I trust that you are doing what you can to feel good and have your life be in the best place possible for living healthily and feeling content!I’m sure there’s been some anomalies from time to time and I wonder if we can see...
July Blog 2023Hello to you…. winter is here and being rugged up and eating warming healthy foods are the go-to right now. Well, not that eating healthy foods would ever not be an option! Keeping the balance on all levels of our being is our job that ensures we keep on...