
May Blog 2024

Happy May to you.
While there have been some intense life situations going on in and around us all, the importance of self-care is highlighted as we go through these times. And that’s the foundation of any of the blogs that I write as you would know if you have been reading them. To encourage others truly, honestly, and lovingly with care and compassion is an honour. And that as an aside returns with love to you.

The magic in life, the many levels, and layers we go through while learning to navigate unchartered territories is evident through the synchronicities and doors opening or closing. Any ‘rejection’ is as touted gods’ protection, while doors opening are new pathways to venture into and onto fresh ways of being.

We can choose many ways in which to do the self-care, simple at home exercises, eating well, yoga, growing herbs and veggies, sharing them with the neighbours. How do you share with others? How disciplined are you in your, self-care?

I have been enjoying having some smoothies again in my life, bought about by having to chew/tread gently for a short period of time required for some healing in my mouth. I hadn’t had a smoothie for several months and I decided to change it up with not only leafy green veg, and superfoods, but add a bit more fruit either a pear or banana or a bit both and blueberries. I swap it around and it has been very yummy and my body has appreciated them. They taste awesome.

At times in our lives to have someone other than a family member or friend, someone who is neutral so to speak, to voice your thoughts, feelings to is of great benefit over a lifetime. To have space held for you so, as to unravel, be seen and heard, will assist with answers that seemed impossible to even imagine, do arrive. It is an aspect to being authentically you.

The work I offer is about listening and sharing, where you’re learning to trust in being heard. And being expressive that works directly with the subconscious mind allowing what’s ready to awaken or be released and simply moved on from.
I am offering a program for those who would like to consider doing a healing intensive journey. This program is offered in person at my clinic as well as online nationally and internationally. It is for those of us going through minor or major life transitions and for those wanting to step up and do the inner work. https://frizzkirby.com/product/empowering-life-journey/

Much kindness and gentleness for you
Love Angela