November Blog 2024Greetings to you as we head on into November, it’s almost summer for us in southern hemisphere, as the cools of winter harken back, in the northern… This is a very good month for grounding and cleansing ourselves and keeping the conversations...
October Blog 2024Welcoming in October with a few words from me to you. Another great reminder of the words we speak, to and about ourselves and others is how you will feel. Our feelings in so many have been suppressed by our lifestyles in that we can tend to avoid...
April Blog 2024And now it is April, where the days can still be warm, and the nights cool to cold. Perfect I feel, but we all have our likes and dislikes and I have friends who prefer the heat and others who love the cool like me.Anyway, how are you? What are you...
December Blog 2023Hi to you for December, I trust that you are doing what you can to feel good and have your life be in the best place possible for living healthily and feeling content!I’m sure there’s been some anomalies from time to time and I wonder if we can see...
November Blog 2023 Hi to you for November, almost to the close of this year! Adventures, out of my daily routine and out into the wilds of the world, as in other than what I’m used to doing, living here in Brompton, I love to do. I’ve recently ventured up north for...