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Creating Wisdom and Magic in Life and Love: Life Within Self-Expression, Our True Love, Evoking Expansion and Our Abilities for This, Our Gift to the World
Paperback or Kindle Edition
This book begins briefly with my story from my adoption as a baby into a family who were wanting another child, a daughter, and the many blessings that came from being in this family. To the unrest I felt throughout my life that led me to search for answers but wasn’t conscious of this in my early days and sets the stage for the rest of the book. I began the artistic journey as a teenager in my bedroom where I would write and then felt compelled to create and was instinctively healing myself through this creative process. I give to those who are willing to walk with me on their healing journey these 12-creative processes as a tool in unfolding from within what’s ready for transformation. I have drawn hundreds of mandalas and this is a series that I began to work with and channel in 2007 and that I believe is a gift to those who feel ready to utilize their power. They are a healing tool for you to divine one as your daily oracle. The 12-mandala process is a journey to be used with reverence and respect as are the 54 mandalas.
Meditations by Angela to accompany the book is available for download here:-
These Meditations are for the processes offered in my book “Creating Wisdom & Magic in Life & Love that is available online through Balboa Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Booktopia and Wordery. There is a Core Meditation that is used through the majority of the processes as noted in the book. Along with meditations specific to each of the processes. You are able, of course, to read the meditations yourself with each of the processes and do your own thing. These I supply for free simply as a means of having them there to listen to and journey straight into the work with a particular process that you are doing.
Listen & Download—-> Meditations for Book – A Kirby

Wisdom, Love & Gentle Words (Wisdom & Soul Book 1) : Daily contemplation, as our soul journeys through life, checkin upkeep Kindle Edition
This is a daily reminder of care for our inner world of emotion, our psyche. This daily ‘soulful wordy record’ began in 2015 and has continued on. I felt compelled to share, create and help others, the larger audience of the world as opposed to the daily work I offer one on one as a Transpersonal Art Therapist, Counselling & life Coach in situ or on line nationally & internationally.

Wisdom, Love & Gentle Words: Encouraging Moments in Life (Wisdom & Soul Book 2): A moment and more for you Kindle Edition
I began a journey in late 2015, in wanting to say a few words that were encouraging and to position them over my art work and share them on Face Book. And along with the picture I added a summary, or additional thoughts of what was spoken in the picture. I also share these on other forms of social media. There are repeated themes and pictures throughout and are more as a reminder, of trusting in life and rolling along with the healthy, and encouraging the feel good…….