Meditations for Book
Meditations for Book
These Meditations are for the processes offered in my book “Creating Wisdom & Magic in Life & Love” that is available on line through Balboa Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Booktopia and Wordery.
There is a Core Meditation that is used through the majority of the processes as noted in the book. Along with meditations specific to each of the processes.
You are able, of course, to read the meditations yourself with each of the processes and do your own thing. These I supply for free simply as a means of having them there to listen to and journey straight into the work with a particular process that you are doing.
These mediations, are not intended for use as medical advice. The author nor publisher of this book assumes any liability for undesired outcomes that may occur as a result of following the suggestions and processes described herein. Any participants following this program who have an underlying health condition which requires medical attention are urged to consult with their medical practitioner before making any changes described herein.
Angela Kirby owns the right to these meditations and are for the use of this book only, Creating Wisdom & Magic in Life & Love.
A Kirby ©2018
Download available —-> Meditations for Book – A Kirby Zip File
>)) Listen to Meditations for Book below
Core Meditation
Mandala Process 4-0
Mandala Process 8-0
Mandala Process 12-20 pt B
Mandala Process 1-0
Mandala Process 5-0
Mandala Process 9-10 pt A
Mandala Process 2-0
Mandala Process 6-0
Mandala Process 10
Mandala Process 3-0
Mandala Process 7-0
Mandala Process 12-10 pt A
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