
September Blog 2022
Great September to you and happy Spring for us in the Southern Hemisphere and may the Fall in the Northern Hemisphere be spectacular as the leaves tumble to the ground preparing for the cool ahead.

Springs flowers have already been presenting themselves to us for a few weeks now, which has been beautiful. The dance between the cold of winter and the warmth of summer begins as a we settle into the changes ahead, preparing us for the impending heat.

I feel that it is important now to acknowledge the changing of the energies of the planet and the quickening as we move through the happenings of the last 2.5 years. We are in a different world and many have been diving in head first compelled to research, being called to understand ‘the what’s being going on globally on all levels’. And others have decided not to, but to roll with what’s being sent out, and so much from the top levels of power, that is now going through massive changes. And the stages we have all gone through has been nothing short of enormous.

We are all called to be and do as we are called to do through these times and it is of great value to respect one another’s choices despite not understanding what so ever why another would choose what they have and they of you. It’s time to love one another rather than berate, we all have our own path to head down.

I feel that we are leaving the competitive dog eat dog behind, it is not relevant as we head into the days, months and years ahead, but more the ushering in of giving, loving and respect for one another. That we are at ground level are being compelled to work together as we usher in these new times and watch the break-down of the old and worn out ways that are ready to leave. So much to transition and no-one fully knows what that all looks like but these days ahead are and will be compelling. To honour one another is much more valuable and abundant building in all areas of life than the sugar coated unstainable glitters don’t seem relevant now. Shallow and not lasting what so ever.

This journey is and always has been what we choose it to be no matter what’s appearing in our world. Which may feel difficult to comprehend. Doing our own research to help learn about ourselves is up to each of us. There’s so much to learn it can be overwhelming.
Getting quiet and posing a question like ‘what is the best path for me’? It can be anything, but keeping it simple and then letting it go and without fear allows for gestation to take place. Each and every one of us has the ability to learn what helps us to raise our levels of consciousness, the higher levels to assist us navigate our life. It’s your very essence which speaks to you, through feelings and thoughts, and what feels right for you. It’s in consulting with yourself that learn to trust your inner guidance.

The roads ahead might appear intense on the main stream media, so, choosing not to watch is supportive for your on-going health and wellness. Choosing peace, love and exuding a more blissful way of being is where the value is along with being out in nature. It is up to us to join a group if you haven’t already that is life supporting and where you can share information and trusting the path ahead is a given no matter what’s appearing. It’s your choice how you see and feel the path of your truth and how you can contribute. That answer will appear when ready.

When lying in bed first thing before you get up, feel the comfort of your bed, notice it, and repeat the word love and an affirmation, something like ‘my life is filled with love and miracles’. (I think Pam Gregory, one of the astrologers that I follow, said.) This will release any negative frequencies, they dissipate, so you get yourself out of bed feeling set for the day.

Through your day stopping for a moment or two to take a few big deep breaths of air, following them down into your heart space, disconnecting from the thinking going on. Daily spiritual practices that suit you need only take a few minutes that will completely change any flatness or sadness prevailing and over time you will be very grateful that you chose to do this. It will shift any negative energies that maybe hanging around. You become aware of what is going on and do something about it, the effort is worth it.

No matter what is appearing we have a choice of being in the pain or stepping away from and choosing Joy. Your commitment to self, your personal journey work unfolding who you truly are is why we are here. Doing your own inner work is a must and then in turn you help others and without judgment but from a place of acceptance. Checking in with yourself daily is paramount, so you don’t become fully ensconced in the daily programming that goes on from living in this world.

If you have any questions please ask and I will do my best to assist you with that query.
Lots of love

Intensive Program – I am offering a program for those who would like to consider doing a healing intensive journey. This program will be offered in person at my clinic as well as on line nationally and internationally. It is not for the faint hearted it is for those wanting to step up and do the work. https://frizzkirby.com/product/empowering-life-journey/

Testimonial: I am extremely grateful for my inner and outer work with Angela this past year. I went through many changes and was feeling “frozen” in moving forward. I guess my mind was playing tricks on me.

The artwork, dialogue, body work, and clearing that Angela guided me through was empowering. My inner strength has grown as I progressed through work with Angelia. I’m now aware that I matter, am important, am loved and my presence on this earth makes a difference. I still refer back to her book, ‘Creating Wisdom and Magic in Life & Love’ as the exquisite mandala paintings are inspiring. Thankyou Angela for encouraging me positively along my precious life journey.
Adelaide SA

Sessions with Angela
– I offer sessions one on one from my own private clinic, as the majority of you know.
– I am also offering sessions face to face on line via skype, Zoom, face book messenger, face time and telephone. I have several processes helpful to keep the stress levels down and learning to be with yourself in a way that you feel safe. There’s No point sitting and remaining in suffering, while that is a part of life the life we want is pain free and feeling content.
– For those of you who are local to me that I am offering consultations over Skype etc or telephone, and I can post to you the Australian Bush Flower Essences.
-Not forgetting My book, that is a life guide. It has gentle therapeutic processes in it, along with meditations and that are also on my web site. The perfect thing to be doing now, transformative and supportive. It has my black and white mandalas for you to colour for calming along with my 54 mandalas that are an oracle, so you can choose one daily for guidance.
-Available from me and I can sign a copy for you and post it to you or you can collect it. You can find it on line through Balboa Press or Barnes & Nobles and other book stores on line.
You can Call me – 0417 850 748
Email – frizzkirby@bigpond.com

Do you Need a Professional Clearing?
What You Don’t See Could Be Affecting Your Life.
I am a certified Professional Clearer ® My specialty is removing unseen ‘dark forces’ that could be affecting your peace of mind, your health, your ability to move forward in life, your opportunities, your friends, your family life, how you interact with other people, your work.

Dark forces are more than ghosts and magic spells.
I am a well-trained, skilled professional who can ‘clear’ people, houses, land, and businesses at a distance via a complex system of analyses and Professional Clearer® methodology. This system is clear, clean, and fast.
I take the ‘scare’ out of what seems to be a ‘scary’ process.

I am able to clear complex cases at a distance. The results are felt within 24 hours.

Sessions with me: https://frizzkirby.com/product/sessions-with-angela/
Much kindness and gentleness for you
Any questions please reply
Love Angela