
December Blog 2017
Happy Christmas to you all, it’s almost the end if this amazing year!
It’s been quite a journey for me and I’ve met many great, loving, and fascinating people and really enjoyed traversing the ups and downs of what was laid out before me. I’m truly grateful for all those in my life and even any of the times and feelings that I found challenging.

Make a cuppa and give yourself a moment and ask yourself or contemplate these questions that I have scattered through this blog, if you choose to! And while you are at it, write your answers down, I recommend that you do for it assists in taking the process to another level, transforming what’s inside and opening up new avenues over time, that being your life’s path!

What are the gifts you’ve given to yourself this year that have been ‘life enhancing’ and that you are really grateful for? Whether it be a course where you’ve wanted to learn more about a particular aspect of life, or a healing or change in lifestyle that’s helped you feel healthier and content, or taken yourself on a journey somewhere learning about other cultures, or researching through books or on line!

Have you integrated any of what you have learnt into your everyday life or see it as something that’s now past and gone and almost forgotten?
How have you assisted others rather than rallying against them?
Or maybe you are still coming from an old story that keeps you stuck in the past?
Being honest with ourselves is a gift and sheds what’s ready to be moved on from, gifting us with grace and moving us along our path rather than more detours!
The choices are our own and how much would you say that you contribute to the outcomes that are going on around you, or willing to admit!

The new home, car, clothes or whatever aren’t sustainable in keeping us in happiness. In fact, it would be interesting to see when you buy something new to note the length of time that you feel ‘over the moon’ about it! Some things you might find that you haven’t even got it home and you’re already over it! What’s the lesson do you think?

The cycles of life through to death, and whether it’s relating to the beginning or end of a relationship, friendship, business, the year, moving home or whatever it is, how are you choosing to be in this time? What are the gifts in your situation, what is the greatness that you choose to see in this? This is also about taking your time with any grief that is appearing, it will pass. And sometimes we need to ask for help, do it, we all need assistance along the way. Not one of us gets away without having to work on our inner emotional world.

I am wishing you all a grand Christmas and that you plan to have the best day no matter what. Deciding to celebrate with who is around you, enjoying your ‘now’ and engaging in the day at hand with loads of frivolous fun and all things Christmassy!
Even if you are alone that’s ok, the day is what we make it, choose to be content and enjoy rather than stay in an old pattern of toxic thinking that will for sure drive ‘sadness’ straight into the depths within you. It’s your choice. It’s a job learning to be honest with yourself, loving, caring and compassionate, it’s a part of our life’s homework.

A lot of love and gratitude to you all, this thing called life is certainly an amazing journey and we all have work to get on with raising our levels of consciousness and trusting our path ahead and being truly our self. Uncovering and discovering is the path home, and even from a distance, I’m glad that I get to share it with you.

Lots of Passion & Grace Angela and know that our ‘now’ creates our future.

Christmas Gifts For Sale :
– I have available for sale (they are always on sale but this time of year is a great gift reminder) my Mandalas on my web site you can either purchase the few left that I have framed or those that are unframed. And the unframed will definitely need to be framed, your choice and I can of course recommend the best framer. You are also welcome to buy any from this series as a printed version on high quality paper.

The Mandala in Life

Please call and enquire for my assistance with any questions that you may have on
(61) 417 850 748 or reply to this email.
I will also send you the story of this, continuing journey, of the almost 53 mandalas in this series. Along with the meaning of the particular mandala that you have chosen to purchase. As the next stage for each of these mandalas was the channeling of the journey or meaning, of each of these drawings and the vibrational level that sits within each, and it doesn’t need to be the original to offer that.
While each is individual they register a high frequency that exhibits love, peace, grace, harmony and healing. And you will find that your chosen work will indeed tell you a story, you will garner in the energy relevant to it for you personally.
Your chosen work will, in 2018, along with the other mandalas be produced in my new book that will be coming out at last!!! A long process in the making and a worthy one in the birthing of a book!
– Gift Vouchers for the Crystal Light Bed Healing & The Raindrop Technique. A beautiful healing gift to offer a friend or family member.
– My cleansing sprays I make from Bush Flower Essences, homeopathically Blessed Water from John of God, pure water and Therapeutic Grade essential oils. This is potent and you only need to use a small amount to make a difference.
For any questions please ask me (61) 0417 850 748 or reply to this email.