October Blog 2024Welcoming in October with a few words from me to you. Another great reminder of the words we speak, to and about ourselves and others is how you will feel. Our feelings in so many have been suppressed by our lifestyles in that we can tend to avoid...
September Blog 2024Happy Spring to you.Having lived in a variety of places around Australia over the years, it is defiantly the southern regions with which the seasons are more pronounced over a longer period. Southern Australia pitches spectacular seasonal changes...
August Blog 2024It’s the last month of winter here in the southern hemisphere and thus, the last of summer in the northern. Enjoy. The buds of spring in some aspects of the plant kingdom are already happening for us in the southern and the sun is warm when it’s out....
July Blog 2024Great July to us all,Here we are mid-year. Life rolls on and as we continue together in this thing called life, we are all certainly at differing levels of our being from one another. Whether it be our age variations or way of being and living. One...
June Blog 2024Great June to you, winter is here. My kind of weather. Pondering thoughts, What’s in a lesson of unexpected change? How do we react? Is there any logic to a reaction, as in, is any reaction that may occur coming from love or fear? There may not have been...