
January 2023 Blog

January Blog 2023With much greatness in wisdom, love & health for us all in 2023, I send you all a Happy New Year.While there is much more to unfurl rolling into this new paradigm that’s named the Age of Aquarius, a theme I hear is that over time, we move into a...

September Blog 2022

September Blog 2022Great September to you and happy Spring for us in the Southern Hemisphere and may the Fall in the Northern Hemisphere be spectacular as the leaves tumble to the ground preparing for the cool ahead. Springs flowers have already been presenting...

June Blog 2022

June Blog 2022It’s June and ‘Winter is Here’. I love the cold, although it’s not really that cold here in Adelaide, compared with Europe or Canada and the likes of the North and South Pole of course, for example. There are spots in Australia, I do know, where it is...

August Blog 2021

August Blog 2021A big happy August hello to you.I would like to continue to encourage you once again in aligning with the feelings of calm and staying away from toxic information. It is a healthy and sustaining stress free-way to be. So, tapping into your inner peace...

June Blog 2021

June Blog 2021Happy Winter. I love the snuggling up warmth of these cooler months, it’s a great refresher.How’s the friendships going in your life? I know that over the years that it’s been noted while we have many acquaintances, right up to the people we see...