
September Blog 2024
Happy Spring to you.
Having lived in a variety of places around Australia over the years, it is defiantly the southern regions with which the seasons are more pronounced over a longer period. Southern Australia pitches spectacular seasonal changes heading through spring and autumn. Living further north those months seem to be around for a very short time, a couple of weeks, then it is either very hot or cold.

The buds and then the flowers I love to see, and the fragrances are beautiful. I was walking past a neighbour’s fence yesterday that was flanked with a huge amount of jasmine, it was divine. And around home the freesias have been popping up all over the place, they multiply each season with a variety of white or yellow flowers that share a gentle soothing sweet with depth, smell. I love them. Not forgetting the blossoms and of course the iris a plenty. These are the beauties in life that assist us all and remind us that nature is our delight and uplift that we’re all a part of. Ps: I’m gifted with my front yard over the entirety of winter with violets that I love to pick to have inside to view and they are also edible.

While being in nature, it’s jarring to be having toxic thoughts. Thus stepping outside if you’re having negative thoughts and feelings, will assist to deplete them. It is a good reminder of being conscious of the inner talk. Nature holds space for us, to release the negative which is more than likely not even true.

Along with your focus of ‘healthy self’ is important to stay on top of. We are surrounded with so much coming at us, from all directions, that to tone things down keeps things at a level of calm. It is imperative to stay out of the stress lane. We want to be well, don’t we?

Maybe it’s time to say farewell to situations that are draining you. Taking yourself down different roads where you can meet and be around others who are more like minded. Where the conversation is uplifting not draining. Life’s adventures offer us so much wisdom and opportunity to grow and step out of being a victim and into who we are. You can do it!

Listening to your inner wisdom instead of always seeking answers outside of yourself is a great consideration. As we become more aware of the universal cues, you can take on board the answers through synchronicities that turn up. See what happens, you’ll be amazed as you learn to trust you.

It is up to each one of us to do the inner work, inner looking after, inner health and beauty. You can do the research to educate you, ask questions, what suits you and keep things simple. Then how do you feel, does that feel possible, doable?
Listen for the inner cue that offers direction.

Feel the inner feelings you feel, ask yourself the questions you’d pose …..what would your answers be?

Much love
Healing Intensive Program
I offer this program for those who would like to consider doing a Healing pilgrimage. This is offered in person at my clinic with the opportunity to do online nationally and internationally.
For those wanting to step up and do the inner work this is for you.
Covering a good body of inner work over the 3month period with ability to function fully in your daily life. It is supportive and opens you up to feeling awakened and able to live life fully on your terms. Uplifting, life sustaining with the gusto to embrace and love yourself much more profoundly. Love and respect, healthy boundaries and following your life path is what this offers.
Once you have booked, I will send you the program and we then book the dates that cover the program over the 13 weeks. Are you ready?
More information will be sent to you on your enquiry.

Testimonial: I am extremely grateful for my inner and outer work with Angela this past year. I went through many changes and was feeling “frozen” in moving forward. I guess my mind was playing tricks on me.

The artwork, dialogue, body work, and clearing that Angela guided me through was empowering. My inner strength has grown as I progressed through work with Angelia. I’m now aware that I matter, am important, am loved and my presence on this earth makes a difference. I still refer back to her book, ‘Creating Wisdom and Magic in Life & Love’ as the exquisite mandala paintings are inspiring. Thankyou Angela for encouraging me positively along my precious life journey.
Adelaide SA

I undertook Angela’s “Empowering Life Journey” program which took me on a tough journey of self-reflection, I came out a different person then when I began the program. Angela is a wonderful guide who holds your hand along the way, for this Angela I am truly grateful.


I look forward to hearing from you.
Much kindness and gentleness for you
Love Angela
Sessions with Angela
– I offer sessions one on one from my own private clinic.
– I also offer sessions face to face on line via skype, Zoom, face book messenger, face time and telephone. I have several ways that are helpful to keep the stress levels down and learning to be with yourself in a way that you feel safe. There’s No point sitting and remaining in suffering, while that is a part of life, the life we want is pain free and feeling content.
– For those of you who are local to me that I am offering consultations over Skype etc. or telephone, and I can post to you the Australian Bush Flower Essences, White Light Frequency Essences, Light Frequency Essences and Divine Prescence Essences.
-Not forgetting My book, that is a life living transformative guide. It has gentle therapeutic processes in it, along with meditations and that are also on my web site. The perfect thing to be doing now, it is very supportive. It has my black and white mandalas for you to colour for calming along with my 54 mandalas that are an oracle, so you can choose one daily for guidance.
-Available from me and I can sign a copy for you and post it to you or you can collect it. You can find it online through Balboa Press or Barnes & Nobles and other bookstores online.
You can Call me – 0417 850 748
Email – frizzkirby@bigpond.com