
October Blog 2024
Welcoming in October with a few words from me to you.

Another great reminder of the words we speak, to and about ourselves and others is how you will feel. Our feelings in so many have been suppressed by our lifestyles in that we can tend to avoid ourselves in many ways. This can get to the stage where we can completely neglect ourselves with being totally ensconced in others’ lives. While it’s fantastic to be of service to one another, if there is avoidance of doing the emotional work with yourself and focus only on others most of the time, is that you will indeed feel dishonoured.

Living life isn’t about being perfect, although many try that route, we learn by what we travel through. A lot of the time we will project our disdain and sadness onto others until we realise that it is indeed within our self that we can see it. It isn’t easy to admit our ways of being could well be toxic, and not only doing others a disservice by what could be gossip and jealousy, but to ourselves. It could be considered like a venom where our vitriol will also slap us for the feelings put behind putting another down. It won’t do us any favours, for those feelings within self, distorts our views of the world.

Notice your conversations over a few days (it’s something that I have mentioned before) and while you may not speak to or down about another often or at all, you could well be putting yourself down. Whether it’s out loud or in your thoughts. The put downs and other aspects aren’t life giving. And in the long-term, life taking, as negative thinking and being, will rob us of our connection with our spiritual self.
So, it’s about cleaning our act up which is a good thing, and you feel well placed in life no matter what, in the right here right now. Not getting caught up in stories past or worries about future.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience which are words most of us are familiar with. Thus, connecting only with the material world could be called a false God where satisfaction is momentary and void of any lasting feelings in being content because we are looking externally for gratification. Which can turn into addictions like phone or computer overindulgence, overspending overeating etc.

Life is big in so many ways no matter how much or little that we have as far as the material world goes. Know yourself by taking the time to do the shadow work and to know that we all go through ups, downs, trauma, pain and suffering, alongside of greatness, love and abundance, that is life. And working through our emotional world, that cannot be fixed from a pill in a bottle, is worth its weight in gold. You love yourself; you trust yourself and life. The benefits are that you will feel fantastic, you are there for yourself as you have sound boundaries while being able to be an advocate without the chronic co dependence to others and things.

You aren’t looking for future possibilities to fix the now moment because you are right here right now, a place where you learn to be and to trust. Doing the emotional work, you’re content no matter, which is a part of being human, that in many ways has been thwarted. Throughout our life we pass through what are called rites of passage that are often missed and glossed over in our modern times ie: childhood to teenage to adulthood etc. That is a huge subject that I won’t go into now.

It’s not about shaming ourselves, it’s all in the learning. It’s our responsibility to look after ourselves on all levels of our being. But we do get assistance from others along the way when we require it, as isolating is not the best thing.

Sporadic aloneness is good for getting to know self and shift patterns, to acknowledge and learn to listen to and trust our inner guidance. And how you choose to do that is through experience and learning, and that includes what you have loved and what you have loathed.

I would love to hear your thoughts about this.

These two therapeutic bodies of work that I offer below are a great addition to your health routine in however that suits you. The links are below for more information and if you have any questions please ask me.

A spring clean with a Raindrop Technique is a fantastic idea for yourself or a family member or friend click on the link for more information on my web site. https://frizzkirby.com/raindrop-therapy/

Or the Crystal Light Healing bed is also a beautiful calm down and realign self or other as a gift to self, one off or on going. https://frizzkirby.com/crystal-light-healing-bed/

If you have any questions regarding the work that I offer you are welcome to email or call me.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Much kindness and gentleness for you
Love Angela
Sessions with Angela
– I offer sessions one on one from my own private clinic.
– I also offer sessions face to face on line via skype, Zoom, face book messenger, face time and telephone. I have several ways that are helpful to keep the stress levels down and learning to be with yourself in a way that you feel safe. There’s No point sitting and remaining in suffering, while that is a part of life, the life we want is pain free and feeling content.
– For those of you who are local to me that I am offering consultations over Skype etc. or telephone, and I can post to you the Australian Bush Flower Essences, White Light Frequency Essences, Light Frequency Essences and Divine Prescence Essences.
-Not forgetting My book, that is a life living transformative guide. It has gentle therapeutic processes in it, along with meditations and that are also on my web site. The perfect thing to be doing now, it is very supportive. It has my black and white mandalas for you to colour for calming along with my 54 mandalas that are an oracle, so you can choose one daily for guidance.
-Available from me and I can sign a copy for you and post it to you or you can collect it. You can find it online through Balboa Press or Barnes & Nobles and other bookstores online.
You can Call me – 0417 850 748
Email – frizzkirby@bigpond.com