November Blog 2022
Hi to you as we welcome the month of November.
This first day of the month is cloud filled, there’s been rain and even hail and continuing for the day by the looks of it with a peep from the sun every now and then. Soon enough the daily warmth of summer will be here but in the mean time we roll with the transition from the cool into the heat of summer.
The birds are singing in between things and the sounds, I find, are comforting.
When I first returned to Adelaide some 20 plus years ago (a friend a week ago mentioned 25 years I’d been back!) the summers were much hotter and regular heat waves of over a week at a time was truly for me an arduous journey. It was also when water restrictions were in place but much has changed over the years. We are in a what is called a Grand Solar Minimum where much cooler temperatures occur, you will have to do your own research around that if you choose.
For me I have found the seasons are beautiful here in Adelaide, and along with friendships, once I settled in, have been great fun with a few odd ones here and there. In for some big learning no doubt and mirror images for seeing myself in there somewhere in that oddness! In other words, there was work to be done.
I certainly question myself when I see something bought to my attention that I may have a big opinion on.
Life gives opportunity as time has gone on to have much more compassion for self and others, a gift of growth is compassion.
Life throws us many challenges, have a think over your life and you may even note down what has come along that challenged you and how you worked through each situation.
Why do that….well, possibly if there is something going on right now you might reflect on if there is something that can be done right now or not. For example, is there a call that needs to be made, or a discussion with your partner or some research on the ‘how do I sort this out’ or whatever statement applicable. Maybe there’s paper work that you have or a folder on your desk top that you need to go through.
Burying your head means that nothing gets done which theoretically is still doing something but is counter-productive. Start at the start not the end, be here right now and let whatever is happening unfold and take the steps that you feel are necessary to be taken and if you require advice then decide who it is that you need to contact.
Is being dramatic going to assist the situation, what is it that will help? Sometimes it is simply running things over in your mind and getting clear about it. One step at a time.
We are here right now not in yesterday or tomorrow.
Being triggered in a dramatic way from something happening around you can set off reactionary behaviours. When we have traumas from our past we haven’t dealt with will drive how we react.
How conscious we become in our life, how well we know ourselves, we can easily come from a space of observing rather than reacting, is up to us. It is a part of our life’s job is to work on ourselves and that in turn at some stage helps others.
Watch the words you speak, be gentle and kind and while it’s ok to let the ‘Wild’ in you out just be aware of how and where you do that releasing. More time in nature, doing the grounding and good healthy foods, yoga and meditation. Even if only staring at a candle for a minute and taking big deep breaths in and out will help. Make these a daily practice, how you do it is how you do it. We are all different and yet alike and the yoga and how I live will be different from how you do it…good that’s life let’s celebrate how differences.
If you have any questions please ask and I will do my best to assist you with that query.
Lots of love
Intensive Program – I am offering a program for those who would like to consider doing a healing intensive journey. This program will be offered in person at my clinic as well as on line nationally and internationally. It is not for the faint hearted it is for those wanting to step up and do the work.
Testimonial: I am extremely grateful for my inner and outer work with Angela this past year. I went through many changes and was feeling “frozen” in moving forward. I guess my mind was playing tricks on me.
The artwork, dialogue, body work, and clearing that Angela guided me through was empowering. My inner strength has grown as I progressed through work with Angelia. I’m now aware that I matter, am important, am loved and my presence on this earth makes a difference. I still refer back to her book, ‘Creating Wisdom and Magic in Life & Love’ as the exquisite mandala paintings are inspiring. Thankyou Angela for encouraging me positively along my precious life journey.
XE Adelaide SA
I undertook Angela’s “Empowering Life Journey” program which took me on a tough journey of self-reflection, I came out a different person then when I began the program. Angela is a wonderful guide who holds your hand along the way, for this Angela I am truly grateful.
BR Sth Aust
Do you Need a Professional Clearing?
What You Don’t See Could Be Affecting Your Life.
I am a certified Professional Clearer ® My specialty is removing unseen ‘dark forces’ that could be affecting your peace of mind, your health, your ability to move forward in life, your opportunities, your friends, your family life, how you interact with other people, your work.
Dark forces are more than ghosts and magic spells.
I am a well-trained, skilled professional who can ‘clear’ people, houses, land, and businesses at a distance via a complex system of analyses and Professional Clearer® methodology. This system is clear, clean, and fast.
I take the ‘scare’ out of what seems to be a ‘scary’ process.
I am able to clear complex cases at a distance. The results are felt within 24 hours.
Sessions with me: