March mind clearing!!! This is as good a time as any, time to shift away from, make a concerted effort daily, to let negative thinking and gossiping go.
Ask yourself when you find yourself in the mindset of berating yourself or even using another person, in the story you’ve created to project your inner frustrations onto, if what you are thinking is really the situation. Sometimes we use others and or predicaments to throw our inner frustrations onto, that actually have nothing to do with the situation or the other!!! This is about getting still, quiet and clear.
Don’t ignore listening to your inner ramblings, to set about, what is required, to make the shifts on from. Sometimes we can be in denial about this big time!!!
Maybe just listening to you is all that’s required. And to take some time with yourself to reflect and be clear about how your life is unfolding or be ok with what’s appearing before you, going with the flow!!! Or is it time to move on from those situations that no longer suit your way of being? Or maybe you are ignoring the signs altogether and have got caught up in the outer world of ego, “the shoulds and shouldn’ts” and in a spiral of turmoil altogether?
Our ego is a like the media, quite negative and thrives on drama (which is addictive) and apart from it being
draining you collect loads of negative situations in your life to keep proving just how miserable life is! It’s a journey, we don’t just arrive and everything is tickety boo, life is about all that can happen….and does. That’s the best reason to keep learning and gathering your tools so that when the good the bad and the indifferent occurs you can help yourself. Or ask for help if its something you feel you need assistance with.
We fill our houses with stuff and continue this on going external obsession with life without consideration for daily meditation, exercise and healthy foods and water. It’s great to have what you want but at the expense of your health, mental, physical, spiritual and emotional or trying to keep up with another is detrimental to your wellbeing.
Continued negative thinking ends up in pain and suffering and quite literally as well. So when you find yourself thinking toxic thoughts about yourself, situations or another, turn the switch off. Stop it. And no matter how convincing it is, just stop it. Take a big deep breath, go for a walk, drop your shoulder blades down and let it go, or whatever it is that works for you. If it is out of control then seeking help is fantastic as it means you are ready for the teacher to assist you and help shift you on from the toxic and create a peaceful, gentle and fun loving life. Your body is then back in homeostasis, as it knows ordinarily how to heal it-self, it automatically does it.
If you have any questions or feedback I would love to hear from you
Love & Grace Angela