I’ve been enjoying the winter skies, some days the clouds are huge, with deep blue grey skies beyond, alerting the pending rain, I love it. I do miss the country-side where the swamps in the paddocks are full and with a swans nest that are partners for life!!!
The big open fires and warmth we got from the wood we’d diligently chopped, piled and bought inside what we could. Sometimes with the odd spider or two or several in fact would appear as they’d ridden in with us!!!!
Yes, being positive is essential for a life on all levels, yes having good friends and editing or deleting any toxic aspects of our life. This is about getting down to the basics of seriously loving you.
Yes, its imperative to think and feel positive in our daily life and outlook but the inner world needs to be clean and healthy on all levels. So the journey of learning to love and trust your-self implicitly is indeed a project for this life-time to unfold.
Along side of the Art Therapy and other therapies are the Crystal light Bed Healing
and Raindrop Technique. Both are great treatments to utilize to engender balance and well being within. Gentle tools to help us feel supported in our lives, fantastic while sorting our inner worlds allowing the love to flow.
More information below
Stay warm and please send any feedback & questions to me.
I am happy to help you where I can
blessings Angela
A Crystal Light Bed Healing is an individual experience, lying comfortably on a massage table for up to 60 minutes and bringing results including release from stress, restless sleep patterns, negative energy attached to your energy field, a radiant glow to your face and skin, inner peace and releasing deep fears that may have been held over a period of a lifetime.
It may assist to stimulate your immune system and create positive influence at a cellular level. An awareness of a light healing presence working on the body can be experienced as heat, body movement or tingling sensations.
For those of you who would like to take another step forward in life, the Crystal Light Bed Healing is a profound cleansing journey. Re-balancing on all levels of our being through our Chakra system –spiritually, physically, emotionally and intellectually. This assists where there’s imbalance on any level of your body mind, or lack of direction in life, or if you simply would like to feel more at peace.
Inspired deeply by her trips to the Casa de Dom Inacio to see John of God, Angela has humbly taken his life work, in the capacity of the Casa Crystal Light Bed, into her healing practice, with profound benefits. When she was in Abadiania, Brazil, at the Casa de Dom Inacio Angela was given approval to conduct this amazing healing system in her clinic.
Angela is a member of the Crystal Light Bed Healing Network of Australia & New Zealand.
Raindrop Technique
Raindrop Technique is a relatively new modality to enter Australia, which can be performed on both people and animals. Its origins come from Ancient Tibetan, Ancient Egyptian and American Indian bodywork techniques, combined with the power of Young Living Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils and massage. Raindrop technique uses Vita-flex, the ancient Tibetan version of foot reflexology. This is performed along the spinal reflex of the feet, in combination with various essential oils. This beautiful experience, promotes profound relaxation and balance.