
June Blog 2018

And in sharp contrast to just a few weeks ago of the warmth, winter is here, I love it….cold yes, but the sun is still warm during the day if you stand in it. The clouds are quite wispy as they dance around the winter skies or billowing loudly volumes of dramatic form. The evenings coming in dark early of which I notice on my walks, so when I take my shoes off I can’t see any doggy landmines!!! Anyway, cold feet are ok and as for the dog poo, that can be scraped off on the ‘moist grasses’ that comes with the winter months! Sorting things out before I put socks and shoes back on awaiting a warm shower when I get home…. things we do in the daily happenings!!! Seriously did I have to share that with you? Well why not….in the name of health and well-being and all things grounding, dog poo I’m not so sure. But you know what, it doesn’t matter and getting to lean up against my 2 favorite trees and feeling the earth under my feet is special and what I yearn for if I’ve missed a couple of days.

What is life teaching us in the ups and downs? How do we navigate our way through what’s appearing in our daily life? How do we let go and allow life to unfold without trying to control it?

As Wayne Dyer spoke the metaphor of the palm trees swaying outside of his home in Maui, that they flow in the winds and in stillness they stand tall, they go with the flow of what appears as, life on life’s terms! Ok they are palm trees, but we have a choice with our thinking!!!

It’s not always easy stepping out of the ‘right and wrong’ or ‘good and bad’ scenario and ride the waves of life. It can be very tough in our daily thoughts, and interpretations, that is for sure, as much as it can be sweet as the best day one can imagine.

Some answers take time and sometimes what is appearing isn’t meant to make sense right now. What does that actually mean? Answers appear in all forms but as we are trained to believe collectively that this or that is right or wrong and nothing can be done, sometimes couldn’t be further from the truth than we actually know. There is a very big picture in life, tap in rather than what’s being fed to us via the main stream media. There are some mighty interesting pod casts to listen to and books to read, that’s our job, in the university of life.

Getting still through meditation helps, for us to know ourselves better and to roll with life rather than rub up against it. I know that’s easy to say and not always easy to do, but to drop the pain, the suffering and take time to research for ways to live the best life you want is worth it. Taking responsibility and looking at where excesses are in action or the opposite that either results with inaction? Rome wasn’t built in a day and we can’t know it all, so be gentle ok. Don’t compare yourself to anyone, just be you, that’s your job.

But what is your inner world telling you, do you listen to the hunches that flow in and out every day? Do you trust what your inner world shares with you? As of our outside influences it can take a bit to trust yourself to make the best choices for you. Keep alert for any signs and synchronicities showing to assist in direction or re-direction of your life?

Stay warm, trust, breathe deeply slowly & calmly throughout your day, to ground and re focus, and look out for the doggy landmines if you choose to do the cold in bare feet!

If you have any questions or feedback please reply.

I would like to suggest a cleansing boost through the Raindrop Technique that I offer or the profound work with the Crystal Light Bed Healing for deep healing on all levels of your being. If you are anxious and finding your life a struggle then I can offer you Art Therapy (nothing to do with having being an artist) and Counselling. Or if you feel that you could require mentoring to top up the ‘flow’ in your life up then ask me and we can go from there.

I also offer Skype calls for Art Therapy Counselling and Mentoring, nationally and internationally.

We look after all of the material things but what’s most important is self and then others then our stuff! How can we give if we can’t give to our self?

Big Warmth & Grace


Angela Kirby
Visual Artist, Transpersonal Art Therapist, Counsellor & Integrated Therapist
Young Living Distributor: #1058300 – Click here to begin your Young Living Experience
Web: frizzkirby.com and Natural Therapy Page | Facebook: facebook.com/FrizzKirby
Mobile: 0417 850 748
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