January 2020 Blog
I am sending blessings to all those who have been going through a very difficult time during the fires, currently raging throughout Australia, and please join in with me.
Prayers to those who have passed on, the animals trapped and passed, those whose homes have burned and to all of the Fire Fighters, of which some have come Internationally to assist.
This time is indeed very intense as we move through the summer months. Community is where a lot of the empathy and compassion shines brightly and focusing on helping others is our job, where we can. It’s a time of letting going of any BS.
May this year, for us all, be one of great learning, great friendships, a lot of love and all that is gracefully bountiful that goes with being human! And that getting through life’s lessons including any arduous moments we will manage with love, guidance from within and without, the capacity to which feels best for you. And that includes anger and sadness that we require getting though, it’s isn’t about supressing it. There are appropriate ways of handling anger.
Ask for help if needs be if it feels too intense to get through.
I’m not sure about your most recent days but I’ve found that it’s been a blessing being able to drop into the mode of reading books, catching up with friends, sharing stories from the past, things going on currently, listening to my favourite You Tube Channels that I find fascinating….
Along with the usual walking, meditation and yoga, that are a given as a part of my daily Life-Giving practice. That is a spiritual practice, and I’m not referring to a religion, while as a child religion gave me a sense of place that was sacred within a church environment, a foundation, (as that was the background I grew up in, like the majority of us) as I grew older it no longer suited the person that I am today.
We are all different in how we meet our needs spiritually. Some of us open up to that for a sense of peace, calm and whatever it is that it is does for them in life and others may not and whatever is chosen and done is ok. It is what it is, whatever that is! Some are actually in a practice of reverence to some degree and wouldn’t call it anything other than peaceful and that is it, it doesn’t need a name.
The thing is we all need each other and whatever path you decide to go down that helps you to make sense of life then that, for whatever and amount of time that it feels right and is beneficial, is great. We are spiritual beings, so we don’t need to get more of that as we are already that, it’s living in the physical plane that’s our current job where we are making daily choices and how we help ourselves and then others.
Being honest with our self about the path we are on is up to us entirely as to whether or not
it is supporting us. What are you seeing in others that is reflecting back to you? Be curious as it is what is within you, so if it isn’t pleasant then it’s time for you to change it, not the other person, as that is their job.
It is up to us to take great care and respect the body we’ve have been given this life.
If you have any questions, or would like to share your thoughts please do as I read all replies.
Please refer to my website for the services that I provide to the community. www.frizzkirby.com
Lots of love Angela