
December Blog 2024

Here we are at the end of 2024, almost Christmas and then the farewell of this year 2024.

I wonder what your Christmas will consist of this year. If you are with family and or friends or on your own, working or otherwise?

For many, Christmas is as per usual and while there maybe a few unexpected incidents that arise, overall, it is a pretty good time. A period to spend time with one another, share food and cheer. In some cases, catching up with those you haven’t seen for ages, however long or short that may be.

And often a time where one could spend days or longer, thinking about who what, where and the why of and about this time of the year. It’s, a time to bring in the upbeat and opt for the love and fun factor. (Which really needs to throughout our everyday life not just this time of year!)

My recommendation is of course to run, like a considered thought, the ‘how am I adding to the day so that I feel great about the choices I have made’?.
And do you need to put any boundaries in for the time you spend with others so you can factor in personal time for yourself if you feel you would like that?

Whatever your choices are remember that there are indeed many tools to dive into that assist with any emotional drainage and upset, should that arrive.

Like vibrational medicines of Australian Bush Flower Essences that I am happy to make for you and collect from me or I can mail them to you, if haven’t already got them. There are tapping solutions, grounding yourself, walk down the beach for the negative ions and a view of the horizon which is stabilizing. And of course, affirmations.

I am also open for ongoing or a session throughout the Christmas period in which ever capacity you are seeking is available to look over on my website. Whether that be a healing of your choice and discussion, art therapy and counselling www.frizzkirby.com

Added to the list of tools I would include my Clearing Sprays https://frizzkirby.com/art/intuition/healing/therapy/shop/products/clearing-mist-hydrosol-50ml/ . I have made this divine mist with Australian Bush Flower Essences, therapeutic grade essential oils and cleansed spring waters. They were poured in a considered auspicious moment of day which instils the intention of calming, relaxing, grounding and opens the way for inspiration as things are cleared.

I have found this of profound value, in moments that I am looking for support as I am working through something occurring in my life. It helps with staying out of drama and get perspective of any situation.

If you are looking for a special gift for Christmas for a loved one or yourself my book is available as well as my prints. My book will assist if you are at a crossroad in your life and looking for answers or going through emotional upheaval. All that is offered is a part of anyone’s healing journey or stepping into the world of opportunities because you’re gifting self with the inner work which is a part of everyone’s life. It is available online through bookstores or you can buy through my and I will send a copy to you signed by me. Creating Wisdom and Magic in Life and Love.

The prints are also available, each one is an oracle and comes with the meaning and the story of the journey of the making of this series which is now at #71. (I have almost completed #71). If you would like any of these, you can contact me or go to my website. https://frizzkirby.com/product-category/mandalas/

I look forward to touching base again with you in my next blog January 2025.
A lot of love to you Angela 

Sessions with Angela
– I offer sessions one on one from my own private clinic.
– I also offer sessions face to face online via skype, Zoom, face book messenger, face time and telephone. I have several ways that are helpful to keep the stress levels down and learning to be with yourself in a way that you feel safe. There’s No point sitting and remaining in suffering, while that is a part of life, the life we want is pain free and feeling content.
– For those of you who are local to me I am offering consultations here in Brompton and my clinic or on line or telephone, and I can post to you the Australian Bush Flower Essences, White Light Frequency Essences, Light Frequency Essences and Divine Prescence Essences.
-Not forgetting My book, that is a life living transformative guide. It has gentle therapeutic processes in it, along with meditations and that are also on my web site. The perfect thing to be doing now, it is very supportive. It has my black and white mandalas for you to colour for calming along with my 54 mandalas that are an oracle, so you can choose one daily for guidance.
-Available from me and I can sign a copy for you and post it to you or you can collect it. You can find it online through Balboa Press or Barnes & Nobles and other bookstores online.
You can Call me – 0417 850 748
Email – frizzkirby@bigpond.com