August Blog 2023
Hi to you all, and with warmth as we do August, and this very day that I write has been filled with sunshine and quite warm outside despite it being winter. It will change again and that’s ok.
You know it is worth the effort to exercise, to meditate, to do yoga or your form of body wellness work and eat well and hang out with great people. How is that, in your life?
I know that over the years of doing my personal practices I have felt a lot of gratitude for having made the effort. It doesn’t matter the story because we all have a story of starting or not starting or wanting to start trying with our self.
I do remember that starting yoga many years ago, where I didn’t even know that it was practised on a yoga mat, and just did it on the floor straight up. No biggy, I know, but I knew very little about it other than it was about doing stretches and breathing intentionally with each posture. I had a tape to listen to (as the class I wanted to attend was fully booked for the time being), and a pull-out section inserted into that tape that showed the stick figure diagrams of the postures that she talked us through. After doing this daily for around 3 three weeks I noticed that emotionally I felt more stable, content and that no matter what was happening in the world I was feeling happy. I did enjoy it from the start I noted and I know that the benefits far outweigh not getting on the mat, or doing whatever practice that’s of your choice.
I went onto find my long-term practice, that I had teachers for, of 5 and 6 days a week for 9 years. In hindsight I can see that was a very important thing for me to do. How and what to practice is entirely up to you. Yoga is a spiritual practice and varies greatly in the styles offered. I have a background of a lot of physical work and exercise and so the yoga that suits me is dynamic. For you or another it could be completely the opposite, which is fine. You decide.
We gotta remember that we start at the start, and it does one no favour by comparing self to another or reel off the excuses as to why you can’t get on the mat or do the exercises that you do. Even laying or sitting and closing your eyes imagining yourself breathing into each of the postures if you can’t do any work right away, is a start, then when you can you begin. You envisage, and work towards it by using positive speak not “I can’t….’ etc. The negative speak must be dropped.
I remember breaking my arm and had 4 or 5 days off but went back to the yoga shala where I had been practicing daily for a long time and used props to support me so I could rest my arm and continue to do something that kept the momentum going and heal at the same time. And my teachers supported me as well which I really appreciated.
I don’t recommend doing that but it’s what I chose and suited me as it was also the place where it was with like-minded people. Whereas, at home I was alone, which is fine, but in this instance to have support is also important when going through something tough.
I also recall with my yoga, that I have ended up doing long term and continue to, is that there are so many stages that I have gone through. Of which continues to be that way as I have been daily practicing alone for around 13 years (after 9 years with two teachers as mentioned) and as I know the sequence off by heart I could practice alone. While it meant no more helpful adjustments, I could still have a good practice on the go. Prior to that I did 3 years of another type of yoga. I don’t practice Saturdays or full or new moons which is appreciated for a break. I don’t get on the mat as early as I used to as I don’t have to travel to a venue. I modify when I need to move around any ailment, feeling may way through in whatever way to assuage any concerns then I do.
It is a journey and vastly different than hanging out in a gym. Gyms are great and of which I enjoyed for many years but then it was time to move on. Swimming was the first main feature in my life, but I got sick of the chlorine after many years.
I do suggest getting your heart rate up on a rebounder or the like and daily walking. We really need look after the vessel that we’ve been given to reside in this life.
Good food, lots of laughs, exercise, mediation, creativity and exploration of all things living on this earth in what interests you is up to each and every one of us. It is our own individual journey. What are you doing to take care of you? Let me know!
Much kindness and gentleness for you
Love Angela